Tips for Cyclist

Thousands Of Cyclists Are Using This For Tight Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Sore Quads…

Finally, a simple stretching plan made JUST for cyclists.

Follow along at home to help fight against injuries, while building strength durability on your bike.

Discover the truth behind what’s holding you back. 89% of cyclists suffer from it, but most have never heard of it…
Chances are you’re one of them.

Have you heard of adaptive muscle shortening?

There is a condition that most cyclists, and even doctors, are failing to identify, but if you suffer from:


…then you most likely have adaptive muscle shortening.

Adaptive Muscle Shortening Is Holding You Back

Our muscles are the engine by which we move, impacting every aspect of our bodies whether we realize it or not. Unfortunately, muscles do not naturally maintain their healthy or ideal range of motion on their own. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Muscles will change their functional resting length to adapt to the length at which they are habitually used or positioned.

This is bad news for cyclists.

Cycling is one of the few activities in which muscles contract concentrically (while shortening), rather than eccentrically (while lengthening). The repetitive motion causes muscle fibres to shorten if action is not taken. Not only will shortened muscles impact your efficiency, comfort, and aerodynamics on the bike, but they will eventually lead to injury.

Join our ride and subscribe to talk about tips how to eliminate those muscle issue. And recommend you to professional in this field.