Swim Coaching

Open water swim for triathlete

In this course you are going to learn how to swim from 1km to 2km in 4 months (3 times a week, a lot of swimming workouts if you swim 3 times a week it will take you 6 months) you will get a lot of training programs for each week, every worksheet has 4 workouts for 2 days of the week(one is in the sea)

People are joining each month the for Triathlon Philippines way to swim and learning how to protect their lower back and swim faster and easier.

The 5k swim is exactly like a Marathon run, but different, when you need to rest you can’t just stop or walk, in this course you will strengthen your muscles and elongate them in order for you to be able to swim in all conditions.


Learn and improve your swimming technique, swim longer with no effort and control you pace in long distance swimming

Swim coaching in pool

Learn and improve your swimming technique, swim longer with no effort and control you pace in long distance swimming