Swim 8 August 2019

Description: Speed, speed and more speed. This workout, as you may have guessed, is about speed. You will rarely go this fast during your event, but by working the sharp end of your fitness your threshold fitness also gets a nice boost.

Here’s what you need to do in order to crush this workout:

Warm-up: Start with an easy 300m swim in the stroke of your choice.
Activation 1: Swim 200m Kicks. Rest for 30 seconds.
Activation 2: Swim 300m Pulls. Rest for 30 seconds.
Activation 3: Swim 6 sets of 50m Drills. Rest 30 seconds.
Speed Set: Swim 3 sets of the following:
50m at your Z6 (all out) pace. Rest for 15 seconds and repeat three more times.
50m, increasing from Z4 to sprint pace over the 50m. Rest for 25 seconds and repeat once more.
75m, alternate each 25m at Z4-Z3-Z4 pace. Rest for 40 seconds and repeat once more.
100m at Z4 pace. Rest for 60 seconds and repeat once more.
Cool-down: Swim an easy 300m using the stroke of your choice.

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