Running Form Drills: Drills That Improve Speed and Form

  1. High knees
    -shoulder relax
    -quick turnover
    -light on your feet
  2. A kip (high knee skipping)
    -quick turnover
    -upper body relaxed
    -drive the lead foot into the ground
  3. B skip
    -Focus on smooth rhythm
    -Extension of the leg out and down to the ground must be quick
  4. butt Kicks
    -Kick your butt
  5. straight leg bounds
    -Keep your leg straight
    -Land on the balls of your feet with traight legs
    -spring forward and swing arms
  6. Carioca (grapesvines)
    Skip with right legs over left, then left leg over right
    -Stay light on your feet
    -Drive one knee up for more hip activation