Obstacle Spartan race Training Exercise

Hand Position Change – hits the back, biceps, and forearms while working the all important grip strength & grip strength endurance.
Day 1:
Burpee x 10
Band resistance one arm lat row x 10 (5 each side)
Band resistance overhead press x 10
Band resistance one arm row x 10 (5 each side)
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds.
*Total 120 reps
*Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)
Day 2:
Burpee x 10
Band resistance squat x 10
Band resistance backward lunge x 10 (5 each leg)
Band resistance lateral step x 10 (5 each side)
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds.
*Total 120 reps
*Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)
Day 3:
Burpee x 10
Band assisted pull-up x 10
Band assisted hand position change x 10
Band resistance bear row x 10 (5 each arm)
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds.
*Total 120 reps
*Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)
Day 4:
Band resistance skip x 30sec, resistance run x 1min, resistance skip x 30sec
Burpee x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds.
*Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground right after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension
Day 5:
Band resistance burpee x 10
Band resistance kneeling step-up x 10
Band resistance front squat x 10
Band resistance Bear row x 10 (5 each arm)
reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds.
*Total 120 reps
*Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)
Day 6:
Band resistance burpee x 10
Band assisted pull-up x 10
Band assisted shoulder taps x 10
Band assisted face pull x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds.
*Total 120 reps
*Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)
Day 7:
Band resistance skip x 30sec, resistance run x 1min, resistance skip x 30sec
Burpee x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds.