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Email: [email protected]
Contact number:  +65 8316 9430

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Finisher of Onepunchman Challenge

A: Having a goal and embrace my competitive side helps. I’m training for a marathon, so when I’m not feeling motivated to run, I just think about how good it will be to cross that finish line. Having a workout buddy or family and who gives motivation and support. Stay on track and follow the program, eventually you will see results.

A: Starting a workout can be challenging. Making the time to exercise, creating a balanced routine, and setting goals are hard enough, but when you start to do it regularly and become part of daily routine, i feel much confident about my body. I feel more energized and also improves my mood. There’s a certain self-assurance and accomplishment that comes from improving and pushing myself, physically and mentally.

A: Everyone is aware of the benefits of exercising, but in your days of works, household chores, errands and time with family and friends, can be tough. Common complaint is a lack of time. The key is make it as commitment. Fitness is important for your health and well-being. Focus on forming a habit. Set a goal and just keep going.

A: Over training a de-conditioned body is a recipe for disaster and can lead to injuries that will set back both your ability to train, and your desire. It’s important to start gradually. Ease yourself into a program and be aware of how your body responds. Minimize your discomfort by making sure to stretch both before and after a workout. Most important thing is not give up. With consistency and persistence your body will progress, and over time you will find that you are exercising at a level you never imagined possible. When you do, you’ll find that yes, you will feel good after exercising. Also, If you are unsure where to start with fitness level routine, seek guidance from those in fitness professional who can provide you with assistance, depends on your fitness level.